The Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus 2025 is released and published online for prospective students looking forward to applying for study admission.
The Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus 2025 which has been released includes the prospectus for higher certificates, diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, and postgraduate advanced diplomas in nursing and midwifery programs for students ready to start their nursing courses in 2025.
Therefore, prospective students of Limpopo College of Nursing searching for the 2025 prospectus of Limpopo College of Nursing are on the right page for the information.
In this article, you’re going to learn the Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus for all the courses/qualifications offered at the college for the 2025 academic admission year.
We should, therefore, get started with it.

Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus 2025
The Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus 2025 is what prospective applicants need to find out information about the application and admission processes and requirements of the college.
The prospectus of Limpopo College of Nursing contains all the important information that prospective students need to become fully admitted students of the college to pursue their nursing courses.
Again, the Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus helps to guide applicants applying for study admission with the needed documents, and personal information required for the application and admission.
Moreover, the prospectus also carries information about each course, fees, course period, etc.
If prospective a student applicant of Limpopo College of Nursing is looking for detailed information about a course or program offered by the college, then the prospectus will be the ultimate guide for the applicant.
Limpopo College of Nursing Entry Requirements
The Limpopo College of Nursing has base entry requirements that all student applicants must meet to get admission into the college.
Without these entry requirements, student applicants will not be admitted to their chosen nursing program at Limpopo College of Nursing.
With this, student applicants are to have these Matriculation subjects Physical Science, Biology, and Mathematics.
Furthermore, applicants will be given admission at Limpopo College of Nursing if they have Mathematics Level 4 or Mathematics Literacy Level 5, Life Science Level 4, and Physical Science Level 4.
At Limpopo College of Nursing, clinical training is done in Community health service facilities in the respective province, general and midwifery hospitals, and psychiatric hospitals.
Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus Higher Certificate In Auxiliary Nursing
Limpopo College of Nursing offers a higher certificate in Auxiliary Nursing to students who are interested in this program and qualification.
The course is a one-year qualification program aimed at training students with the required knowledge and skills needed to provide basic nursing to individuals.
With this qualification, nurses work under the supervision of college nurses who hold national diplomas or degree qualifications.
Nursing students who graduate with a higher certificate in nursing will register with the South African Nursing Council as nursing auxiliaries in order to work as registered nurses in South Africa.
Entry Requirements:
At Limpopo College of Nursing, Students who are interested in a higher certificate in nursing qualification will have a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent certificate at exit level 3 or 4 depending on the circumstance.
Again, it is also important for students to have mathematics, life sciences, or physical sciences. Applicants will also need;
- English (50-59%)
- Life Orientation (50-59%)
- Four other subjects (50-59%)
- First Additional or home language
What Higher Certificate In Nursing Course Entail?
With the Limpopo College of Nursing Higher Certificate program, the course will train students on how to apply the knowledge and skills of practicing and providing basic nursing to individuals.
Students are trained on how to access, evaluate, plan, and implement basic nursing care for individuals and groups.
Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus Diploma In Nursing
Diploma in nursing courses are often offered by public colleges and universities in South Africa.
The Limpopo College of Nursing, which is a public college in association with the University of Limpopo offers a diploma in nursing program.
This qualification is a three-year course packed with theory and practical work.
Students who graduate with a diploma in nursing will have to register with the South African Nursing Council (SANC) as a registered staff nurse or enrolled nurse.
Entry Requirement:
Student applicants interested in this program will need a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification at existing level 3 or existing level 4, depending on the situation of your qualification to enroll for the course.
Students who want to study diploma in nursing at the Limpopo College of Nursing will need to have these academic requirements which are;
- English (50-59%)
- Life Orientation (50-59%)
- Four other subjects (50-59%)
- First Additional or home language
What Diploma In Nursing Course Entail at Limpopo College of Nursing
At Limpopo College of Nursing, students studying diploma in nursing are taken through in-depth theory and practical study of the course.
Students will be trained and learn how to diagnose, and treat minor illnesses and provide productive reproductive health care.
Students will also learn how to provide nursing care to individuals and groups.
Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus Bachelor Degree In Nursing Sciences (BCur)
The Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus bachelor in nursing degree. This qualification is a full four-year long course.
Like Limpopo College of Nursing, bachelor’s degrees in nursing (BCur) are offered by public colleges and universities like UNISA, UP, UKZN, UWC, etc.
This course comes with both compulsory practical clinical training components and a theoretical component.
After completing this course, students will graduate and will be able to register with the South African Nursing Council as professional nurses and midwives in South Africa.
Entry Requirement:
Student applicants applying to study for a bachelor’s degree in nursing (BCur) at Limpopo College of Nursing will have to take Mathematics, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences.
Prospective applicants will need a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or equivalent qualification at exit level 4 with the following indicators;
- Maths Literacy (50-59%)
- English (50-59%)
- Life Sciences (50-59%)
- Life Orientation (50-59%)
- First additional or home language (50-59%)
What Bachelor Degree in Nursing Course Look Like At Limpopo College of Nursing
With a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, students are presented to work in four main fields which include;
- General Nursing (working in hospitals and medical practices)
- Community Nursing
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Midwifery (caring for mothers and babies)
The course is designed for students to do more practical studies than theoretical studies.
This is because student nurses who are going to work as professional nurses are to know what they will be doing when on the field.
In the theoretical studies, students will learn what it takes to be a professional nurse.
Also, students will study biological, medical, and natural sciences, psychological and social sciences, and pharmacology for students to be equipped with the knowledge to be competent and successful healthcare professional nurses.
How To Download Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus 2024
To download Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus 2024, prospective applicants will have to do so online.
Applicants will have to to go to download the prospectus for the 2024 prospectus.
Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus PDF Download
Prospective applicants can now get the Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus pdf download for 2025.

What Do You Use Limpopo College of Nursing Prospectus For?
The prospectus of Limpopo College of Nursing has all the information that is useful for student applicants applying for study admission at the college.
This information includes courses offered, admission requirements, fees, application processes and fees, etc.
It is, therefore, important that applicants seeking to apply to study nursing at Limpopo College of Nursing the prospectus before they start the application.
Read also:
1. How To Apply To Limpopo College Of Nursing
2. Limpopo College Of Nursing Application Form
3. Limpopo College Of Nursing Application Fees
5. Limpopo College Of Nursing Admission Requirements
6. Limpopo College Of Nursing Courses
8. List Of Nursing Colleges In Limpopo
9. List Of Private Nursing Colleges In Limpopo
10. List Of Public Nursing Colleges In Limpopo
You can ask your questions about the Limpopo College of Nursing prospectus download pdf in the comment section below.
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