List Of Nursing Schools In Durban (2024)

by Nursinghub

There are both public and private nursing schools in Durban, the capital of Kwazulu Natal Province.

Students who want to study nursing and want to do so in the capital have options to choose from the available nursing colleges in Durban.

Like any other nursing school in South Africa, you can apply and get admission to any public nursing institution in Durban to study nursing.

Again, there are private nursing schools in Durban that you can also choose in case you prefer a private nursing college to a public one.

So, if you’re interested in studying nursing in a nursing school in the Kwazulu-Natal Province, precisely in the city of Durban, then you’re on the right page.

In this article, you’ll learn the list of all the current nursing schools in the city of Durban.

We should therefore get to the list now.

this is the list of nursing colleges in durban

Here Are The List Of Nursing Schools In Durban

These are the public and private nursing colleges accredited by the South African Nursing Council (SANC) in Durban.

  1. Addington Campus
  2. Benedictine Campus
  3. Kwazulu-Natal College of Nursing
  4. Madadeni Campus
  5. Charles Johnson Memorial Campus
  6. Grey’s Campus
  7. King Edward VIII
  8. Ngwelezane Campus
  9. Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Campus
  10. Port Shepstone Campus
  11. RK Khan Campus
  12. Netcare Education (Durban) North Campus
  13. Durban University of Technology
  14. University of Kwazulu-Natal
  15. University of Zululand
  16. Edendale Campus
  17. Chatsmed Candlelight Nursing School
  18. Gandhi Mandela Nursing Academy
  19. JMM Nursing School
  20. DT Nursing Institute
  21. Coastal KZN TVET College
  22. Anchorlitec College, South Africa
  23. Oceanview Nurse Training College
  24. Protea Nursing College
  25. Cator Mano Nursing College
  26. Stella College Nursing School
  27. Nursing & Primary Health Care Institute
  28. Must Graduate Academy
  29. Thekwini FET College – Springfield Campus
  30. Thekwini TVET College
  31. Damelin Nursing School
  32. Pretoria Technical College
  33. Eden College Durban
  34. Mancosa Durban
  35. Central Technical College
  36. Boston City Campus, Durban
  37. Camelot International, Durban
  38. Curro Castle Heritage House
  39. Pax College
  40. Natal College of Nursing
  41. The IIE’s Varsity College – Durban North

Does Nursing Schools In Durban Offer Higher Certificate In Nursing?

Yes, you can study higher certificate in nursing in a nursing school in the city of Durban, or in the Kwazulu-Natal Province.

Most of the nursing institutions, both private and public nursing colleges in the city offer higher certificates in nursing courses.

Does Nursing Schools In Durban Offer Higher Certificate In Caregiving

Absolutely yes. Students interested in studying nursing for a higher certificate in caregiving can do so at Durban nursing colleges.

Colleges like Netcare, which is a private nursing school, and many other nursing institutions offer this qualification

Does Nursing Schools In Durban Offer Diploma In Nursing?

If you want to acquire a diploma in nursing after studying a nursing course, then you can get the qualification from a nursing institution in the city of Durban.

Most of the nursing colleges listed above in this article offer diplomas in nursing.

Colleges in Addington Campus, Edendale Campus, Ngwelezane Campus, Prince Mshiyeni Memorial Campus, Kwazulu-Natal College of Nursing, etc. offer diplomas in nursing courses.

Does Nursing Colleges In Durban Offer Advanced Diploma In Nursing?

The advanced diploma in nursing qualification is one of the popular qualifications that students inquire about.

Yes, some of the nursing colleges offer the advanced diploma in nursing qualifications.

Institutions like Durban University of Technology (DUT) University of Zululand (UniZulu), University of Kwazulu-Natal (UKZN), and Netcare Education offer advanced diplomas in nursing.

Does Nursing Colleges In Durban Offer a Diploma In Caregiving?

Colleges like Kwazulu-Natal College of Nursing (KZNCN), and Madadeni Campus among others offer diplomas in caregiving qualifications.

Students who prefer to study nursing for this qualification in Durban get a school to attend.

Does Nursing Colleges In Durban Offer Advanced Diploma In Midwifery?

Yes, some of the nursing colleges in the city of Durban offer advanced diplomas in midwifery.

For this qualification, you can choose schools like Endandale Campus, Grey’s Campus, King Edward VIII, Madadeni Campus, Ngwelezane Campus, etc to apply to.

Does Nursing Schools In Durban Offer Degree In Nursing?

Yes, some of the public and private nursing schools in the city of Durban offer a degree in nursing.

Institutions like the University of Kwazulu Natal (UKZN), Durban University of Technology (DUT), and the University of Zululand do offer degrees in nursing.

Moreover, there are private nursing institutions in Durban that also offer degrees in nursing as well.

Are Nursing Schools In Durban Accredited By SANC?

Yes, both the public nursing institutions and private colleges in the city are accredited by the South African Nursing Council (SANC).

One of the mandates of the SANC is to ensure all institutions that offer Health courses including nursing courses are registered and accredited.

The council measures the standard of nursing courses taught at various institutions before they give out accreditations.

Also, one of its mandates is to regulate the nursing profession by establishing and maintaining standards of nursing education, training, and practices.

Furthermore, institutions can offer nursing courses only if they are accredited by the South African Nursing Council (SANC).

All nursing schools in South Africa must be registered and given accreditation by the South African Nursing Council.

How Do You Get A Nursing School In Durban?

To get a nursing school in Durban to attend, you’ll first apply for study admission at the institution.

Most colleges have adopted online applications. This means prospective students will have to apply for admission space online.

Furthermore, the colleges usually publish their application dates on their websites and also, on the South African Nursing Council (SANC) website.

You will find the various nursing institutions’ application portals when you go to

Applicants will have to submit their online application forms to the specific schools they seek admission to study.

After you have submitted your application to the school, the college will evaluate your application details to check if you meet the admission requirements for the course you choose.

If you’re admitted, the school will send you an admission offer to accept and also registration instructions to complete.

It is, therefore, advisable to apply to as many schools as you can afford so that you get options even when one college denies you admission.

How Much Is Nursing School In Durban?

Each nursing college in the city has its fees. It is, therefore, your responsibility to crosscheck and compare the fees of the institutions to know which one you can afford.

However, none of the colleges of nursing in Durban is overly expensive compared to other nursing colleges in other provinces in South Africa.

here are all the durban nursing schools and colleges

Are Nursing Schools In Durban Good?

All the nursing schools listed in this article are located in Durban and are registered and accredited by the South African Nursing Council (SANC).

This makes the colleges meet the academic standard to teach nursing courses and offer nursing qualifications as prescribed by the SANC.

Therefore, you’ll have to know the qualification you want to acquire in nursing to be able to decide which school is best for you.

So, when choosing the nursing college that you want to go to in Durban, you are to make sure you select and apply to the one that offers the qualifications you want.

This is because not all nursing schools offer all the nursing qualifications.

Another important thing to remember when applying to study nursing in a Durban nursing school is that the courses offered are standardized courses according to the SANC, the Health Ministry, and the Education Ministry.

Moreover, you can practice nursing once you have completed your nursing course in a nursing institution in Durban.

In conclusion, nursing is one of the most respectable professions in the country and the world at large.

So, if you’re interested in becoming a nurse in South Africa, then you can pursue your career at any of the registered and accredited nursing schools in Durban.

Read also:

1. List Of Private Nursing Colleges In Kwazulu Natal

2. List Of Public Nursing Colleges In Kwazulu Natal

3. List Of Public Nursing Schools In Free State

4. List Of Public Nursing Colleges In South Africa

5. List of Private Nursing Colleges In Gauteng

6. List of Public Nursing Colleges In Gauteng

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