Ukwazi School of Nursing Admission Requirements (2025)

by Nursinghub

Ukwazi School of Nursing admission requirements 2025 are here. Prospective applicants who are waiting to apply for study admission offer will now know the requirements they have to meet.

The Ukwazi School of Nursing will offer study admission space only to candidates who meet the admission criteria of the nursing program they apply to study at the college.

Nonetheless, study admission offers at the Ukwazi School of Nursing are not promised due to the high volume of applicants and high competitiveness of qualified applicants.

In this article, you will learn about the Ukwazi School of Nursing admission requirements and how to apply and submit your application for admission offer.

this is ukwazi school of nursing admission

Ukwazi School of Nursing Admission Requirements 2025

The Ukwazi School of Nursing admission requirements for study admission cover the cut-off of points, the Admission Point Score (APS), which applicants are expected to meet to be able to study at the college.

Ukwazi School of Nursing admission criteria

According to the Ukwazi School of Nursing, the decision to admit a student to their college is the right, responsibility, and prerogative of the Ukwazi School of Nursing.

The admission criteria of the Ukwazi School of Nursing are divided into two. They are the admission requirements for a Higher Certificate in Nursing and admission requirements for a Diploma in Nursing.

Admission Requirements for Higher Certificate in Nursing

Here are the Ukwazi School of Nursing admission criteria for a higher certificate in nursing.

  1. National Senior Certificate pass certified by UMALUSI and endorsed with admission to higher education (higher certificate, diploma, or bachelor degree)
  2. 40% or more (NSC Level 3) in English as Home Language or First Additional (English being the language of learning and teaching (LOLT) at Ukwazi School of Nursing
  3. 50% or more (NSC Level 4) in Life Sciences/Biology
  4. Written proof of an acceptable medical/health source that the candidate has been vaccinated against Hepatitis B

An applicant without Life Sciences / Biology in matric or whose mark is below the minimum achievement level of NSC 4 (50%) can still achieve eligibility through the recognition of prior learning  (e.g. completing the HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT COURSE).

Statutory Admission Requirements: National Senior Certificate pass certified by UMALUSI and obtained with a higher certificate, diploma, or bachelor degree endorsement and with a minimum of 30% in the language of learning and teaching of the higher education institution

Admission requirements for Diploma in Nursing

  1. National Senior Certificate pass certified by UMALUSI and endorsed with admission to higher education (higher certificate, diploma, or bachelor degree)
  2. 40% or more (NSC Level 3) in English as Home Language or First Additional (English being the language of learning and teaching (LOLT) at Ukwazi School of Nursing
  3. 50% or more (NSC Level 4) in Life Sciences/Biology
  4. Written proof of an acceptable medical/health source that the candidate has been vaccinated against Hepatitis B

An applicant without Life Sciences / Biology in matric or whose mark is below the minimum achievement level of NSC 4 (50%) can still achieve eligibility through the recognition of prior learning  (e.g. completing the HEALTH CARE ASSISTANT COURSE).

Statutory Admission Requirements: A National Senior Certificate pass certified by UMALUSI with an achievement rating of 3 (50%-59%) or better than 4 NSC 20-credit subjects with admission to diploma or bachelor degree endorsement.

Subjects Required for Admission at Ukwazi School of Nursing

Applicants seeking study admission offer at the Ukwazi School of Nursing must have these subjects in their final exam results they apply with.

  • English as a Home Language or
  • First Additional Language (English being the language of learning and teaching).
  • Life Sciences
  • Biology

Ukwazi School of Nursing selection process

  • A Paper Selection of all applicants in which the applicants’ matric subjects and pass marks / other qualifications / HEALTH CARE      ASSISTANT COURSE marks are assessed 
  • Applicants who best meet the admission criteria as identified in the Paper Selection are thereafter invited to submit to Psychometric Testing at the School
  • Interviews are then held with those applicants who achieved the highest outcomes in the psychometric tests
  • The School lastly compiles a short list of applicants who best meet all of the foregoing criteria and admission is offered to them 

The school is entitled to change its selection criteria at any given time e.g. school might consider introducing the National Benchmark Tests as a selection tool in the future. 

How do I get admission to Ukwazi School of Nursing?

To get admission to study at Ukwazi School of Nursing, interested candidates will have to apply to the school. Furthermore, applicants must make sure they meet the admission requirements of the nursing program they apply for at the Ukwazsi School of Nursing.

After applying for a study admission offer, the school will take all applications in a selection process and offer admission to the most qualified applicants.

this is ukwazi school of nursing requirements

How do I know I am accepted at Ukwazi School of Nursing?

The Ukwazi School of Nursing will mail all applicants who are successful with their applications to study at the college. Moreover, applicants can track their applications four (4) months after submitting their applications.

The Ukwazi School of Nursing as a private institution is registered and accredited by the South African Nursing Council (SANC) and the Council of Higher Education (CHE)

Read also:

1. Ukwazi School of Nursing Online Application

2. Ukwazi School of Nursing Courses (2025)

3. North West College of Nursing Admission Requirements

4. SG Lourens Nursing College Online Application

5. Western Cape College of Nursing Intake

You can ask your question about the Ukwazi School of Nursing admission requirements in the comment section below.


Nkosana Radebe 16 January 2025 - 05:22

Hello my daughter she is interested on Diploma in Nursing please can you send me your brochure details about the course please

Nursinghub 22 January 2025 - 08:19

Download from here Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the “Download” Information Brochure

Wongeka Lujiva 3 December 2024 - 08:14

How much fees for higher certificate (R169)?

Abueng Mashigo 17 November 2024 - 20:27

Where is Ukwazi nursing college

Nursinghub 26 November 2024 - 11:30

Roodepoort in the Gauteng province

Nombulelo 25 October 2024 - 13:05

I am interested to study with you

Siyanda Kgomo 28 June 2024 - 20:49

I am interested in the programmer you are offering


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